Lactobiotics Agricultural Products: Organic and Chemical-free

For eighteen years, Lactobiotics has been consistent in providing only “organic” and “chemical-free” products which contain lactobacillus (good bacteria) that is needed to protect the farm products – plants and livestock animals – from all kinds of illnesses, thereby giving the farmers a good harvest.

This is an answer to the prevalent problem in the market selling “most of fertilizers and other products laced with chemicals which are not healthy to the plants and animals, and most of all to the consumers,” according to Lactobiotics CEO, Gigi Sanchez.

Lactobiotics CEO, Gigi Sanchez



It is an organic fertilizer which supplies the important probiotic organic matter and fixes the nutrients into available plant food.


 Unlike other fertilizers, Grego Gro is free of pathogens and toxic substances. It can also restore natural soil fertility because it is loaded with probiotics.

 It is economical as it is locally-made, effective, and environment-friendly as it has no added chemicals, and safe to human beings.



It is a probiotic organic fertilizer for plants. It supresses plant pathogens in soils. It has nutrients that are essential for the plants to grow to its maximum size and weight. It contains all-natural and organic ingredients produced under the natural process of fermentation.


 With its probiotic component, it protects plants from pests and diseases.

 It enhances the growth and improves the quality of flowers and fruits.



It is the first and only Probiotic, and all-in-one feed supplement for hogs and other livestock animals. It is loaded with probiotics and composed of Vitamin C, Riboflavin (B2), Folic Acid (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), Vitamin K1, Vitamin E, Amino Acids, and Minerals. It has no preservatives.


 Fermented extract from soya, molasses, milk and pure water which is carefully formulated to enhance animal growth and improve its quality.

 It prevents scouring which is a normal disease of animals.

 It can also reduce foul odor in waste.



It is a Cebuano-breakthrough product on waste-odor control. It is packed with the usual lactobacillus components that eliminate disease-causing bacteria trapped in wastes.


 It also prevents offensive odor that makes the dumpsites free from mosquitoes, flies and other disease-carrying insects.

 It is perfect for household waste, as it does not only deodorize it; it also hastens the decomposition, thereby making the waste ready to be used as fertilizer.

 It is not harmful to humans and animals so it is environment-friendly.


Lactobiotics agricultural products are available in all Pacifica Agrivet, JM Poultry and other leading agrivet stores nationwide.

For more products and other updates, visit their Facebook page,



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