Last October 2017, the Department of Health and World Vision Development Foundation sealed their partnership for the Mother-Baby Friendly Philippines (MBFP) project, which aims to strengthen the implementation of Executive Order 51 or the Philippine Milk Code of 1986 and Republic Act 10028 or the Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009. Since then, the MBFP team has been conducting series of trainings in Malabon, Manila, and Quezon City to orient the community members about MBFP initiatives and to raise their knowledge on infant and young-child feeding (IYCF).

This year, the MBFP project team aims to reach a wider audience by conducting breastfeeding caravans in malls and universities. The caravan aims to increase awareness on breastfeeding and (IYCF)-related legislations beyond the pilot areas of the project.
On May 12, 2018, the team will visit Trinoma as first stop of the caravan. DOH representatives shall give brief lectures on the advantages of breastfeeding, as well as the provisions of EO 51, RA 7600, and RA10028. The team will also orient the participants about the project, particularly the reporting system designed to monitor compliance and non-compliance to the above-mentioned laws.
Some of World Vision’s ambassadors will also grace the event to give testimonies on their advocacy to uphold breastfeeding in the Philippines. The event will include interactive booths, such as the section where participants can try the reporting platform first-hand.
This June, the team will fly to Cebu and Davao to continue the campaign of protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding.
A former educator and now working as a freelance writer. Simply living her own version of life’s passion – music, mobile photography, story telling, road trips and food trailing! 🙂