Globe has been at the forefront in introducing innovative products and cutting-edge technology in the country, helping businesses and industries simplify operations and boost their profitability. And a couple of weeks ago, Globe myBusiness and Globe Labs reached out and helped IT experts and decision makers at the “Integrate” forum in Ibiza Beach Club in Cebu.
The forum allowed SME owners, IT developers and system integrators to learn more about servicing their clients better through the latest trends and developments in technology that can be applied to various industries.
The forum also focused on the Globe Labs APIs (telco-powered Application Program Interface) that power digital solutions and provide automated SMS, voice, USSD, sponsored access, and reward capabilities.
What is Telco-powered Application Program Interfaces (API)?
The API tools will help you stay competitive in the market by maximizing technology as it easily accesses necessary and appropriate applications which help streamline work processes and this will improve your services and enhance customer experience.
Ada Hernandez, Head for Strategy & Governance of Globe Telecom Digital Ventures on APIs
How can it help business/businesses owners?
Among the benefits of the APIs include driving business growth by increasing customer reach and improving customer engagement.
Michelle Tapia, Head for Strategy Innovation and Transformation of Globe myBusiness explains why do businesses have to invest in API Solutions
Industry experts from Net Play, Inc. and Globe discussed about the latest developments in the digital landscape and how they can be applied to enhance everyday business transactions.
Forum delegates got to experience the Globe Labs APIs through various demonstrations offered at the event booths.
BPO – Billing remindeer through a call or text. There will also be SMS Survey that allows customers to provide feedback through free SMS
Hotels – confirmation/booking reminders via SMS to clients
Retail – Flash sale announcements, triggered by a text for participants to call a number to avail of the sale
Logistics – USSD feature that allows participants to track location of the item being shipped
For those who want to explore all the APIs, Globe is offering as much as 3,000 Globe Labs APIs credits for free for every purchase of a Samsung Galaxy Note8 from Globe myBusiness.
For more information on API products and services, visit
A former educator and now working as a freelance writer. Simply living her own version of life’s passion – music, mobile photography, story telling, road trips and food trailing! 🙂